Sunday, August 12, 2007

If Tomorrow Never Comes....

dapat ni dari email..
very nice.. and i want to share it with all my friends..
i'm sorry if i hv done something that you don't like.. and i don't know...
plz forgive me and i luv u...


bosannyer 2 hr ni.. cuti dok umah.. relex je.. tapi bosan.. tak der xtvt.. tak kuar.. hmm... ngadap notebook ni, masak, makan, kemas umah, tdo.. huhu... bosan giler... :(

dah hmpir 5 hri buat bodoh je dkt org tu.. ntah ler.. tak der mood.. sorry...


13may said...

kadg2...berbuat bodo itu lebih bahagia drpd buat pandai...

hahha :D

RaFFLeSiA MeRaH said...

ekekeke...pandai jer 13may ekk? tapi pk2 memang betul pun...akak pun camtu gak kalau duk umah itulah aktivitinyer sampai ke mlm, tido pun sampai x larat2 dah pun....

~comei~ said...

i'm tired... huhu...